
Frontend CLI Args #

The following arguments are specific to the javasrc2cpg frontend.

inference-jar-pathsPaths to extra jars used only for type informationList<String>--inference-jar-paths "/path/ex1.jar, /path/ex2.jar"false
fetch-dependencesAttempts to fetch dependencies jars for extra type information---fetch-dependenciesfalse
delombok-java-homeOptional override to set java home used to run Delombok. Recommended to use Java 17 for best resultsString--delombok-java-home /path/to/homefalse
delombok-modeSpecifies how Delombok should be executedno-delombok | default | types-only | run-delombok--delombok-mode no-delombokfalse
enable-type-recoveryEnable generic type recovery.---enable-type-recoverytrue
jdk-pathJDK path used for resolving builtin Java types. If not set, current classpath will be usedString--jdk-path /path/to/jdkfalse
show-envPrint information about the environment variables used by javasrc2cpg and exit Joern---show-envfalse
skip-type-inf-passSkip the type inference pass. Results will be much worse, so should only be used for development.---skip-type-inf-passtrue
dump-javaparser-astsDump the javaparser ASTs for the given input files and exit Joern. Used for debugging---dump-javaparser-aststrue
cache-jdk-type-solverRe-use the JDK type solver between scans---cache-jdk-type-solvertrue
keep-type-argumentsType full names of variables keep their type arguments---keep-type-argumentstrue
no-dummyTypesDisables the generation of dummy types during type propagation---no-dummyTypestrue
type-prop-iterationsMaximum iterations of type propagationInteger--type-prop-iterations 2true

Calls #

The section below shows how different call ASTs are modelled in Java.

The following is a simple call in Java:

class Foo {
  public void bar(String param1, Integer param2, String param3) {

  public void baz() {
    bar("1", 2, "3")

Image of a simple call AST for a function in the same class in Java The structure of the call AST:

├── Receiver: this
├── MethodName: bar
└── Arguments
    ├── Argument[0]: this 
    ├── Argument[1]: param1
    ├── Argument[2]: param2
    └── Argument[3]: param3

Note that the method signature in the Java code only has three arguments, but the call AST has four. There is an implicit argument that is added in the 0th position, which is the receiver of the call node. In this case since the call is invoking a method defined in the same class, so an implicit this argument is added at arg[0] as the receiver of the call. Note that dynamic methods (i.e methods without the static modifier) also have a this 0th parameter that lines up with the this 0th argument in the CallNode.

The following is a static member call in Java:

class Foo {
  public void bar() {
    Baz.bazFunc("1", 2, "3");

class Baz {
  public static int bazFunc(String param1, Integer param2, String param3) {
    return 1

Image of a simple call AST for a static function in a different class in Java

The structure of the call AST for the static function is the same as it is for the simple call above, the only difference is that the receiver (and thus arg[0]) of the call has now changed to Baz since the method being invoked is defined in the Baz class.