
Frontend Args #

The following arguments are specific to the jssrc2cpg frontend.

no-tsTypesDisable generation of types via TypeScript---no-tsTypestrue
no-dummyTypesDisables the generation of dummy types during type propagation---no-dummyTypestrue
type-prop-iterationsMaximum iterations of type propagationInteger--type-prop-iterations 2true

Calls #

The section below shows how different call ASTs are modelled in JavaScript.

class Foo {
  bar(param1, param2, param3) {
    // do something

  baz(param1, param2, param3) {
    bar("1", 2, "3")

Image of a simple call AST for a function in the same class in JavaScript The structure of the call AST:

├── Receiver:
├── MethodName: bar
└── Arguments
    ├── Argument[-1]: bar
    ├── Argument[0]: this 
    ├── Argument[1]: param1
    ├── Argument[2]: param2
    └── Argument[3]: param3

Simple calls are modelled slightly different in dynamic languages (such as JavaScript) when compared to static languages. In dynamic languages arg[0] is no longer the receiver of the call, but instead is the object that holds the property which is the receiver of the call. There is also a 5th argument introduced, which is arg[-1].

The following is a static member call in JavaScript:

class Foo {
  bar(param1, param2, param3) {
    Baz.baz("1", 2, "3")

class Baz {
  static baz(param1, param2, param3) {
    // do something

Image of a simple call AST for a static function in a different class in JavaScript The structure of the call AST is mostly the same as for a simple call, with the receiver of the call now just being Baz.baz instead of